Wednesday, August 26, 2015

2 Week Break

Just a quick note to inform you that I will be out of town until the second week of September. I'm attending my cousins wedding in the South of France and I couldn't be more excited about it. I'll try to take some beautiful garden shots to add to this blog when I return.  I hear it's predicted to rain this weekend in the Lower Mainland. That's a relief for the gardens and our cities water supply.  I'll be sure to bring the sun back with me when I return!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Hibiscus Sighting

I've been asked recently about the plant near the putting green that has "dinner plate" sized flowers and looks like it is made of "paper mache" Ding Ding Ding - it's a Hibiscus. The common name for this species is Rose Mallow (Hibiscus moscheutos 'Super Rose) and it has the largest flower of any perennial. It likes acidic soil and full sun exposure. This beauty attracts butterflies, that's a definite bonus to your perennial garden bed.

I purchased it from a nursery in the Fraser Valley two years ago. It's been moved from location to location. It's finally settled into a home that really showcases it's grande beauty.

If you spot any other plants around the golf course that you're curious the name of. Don't hesitate to ask me.

FYI It's 5 am right now and incredibly dark. Winter is coming!