Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Quick Season

It's been a while since I've written anything on this blog...eight months to be exact.  I thought I would take the time to reflect on this year so far.  First things first - what a great Summer!!! I feel like everyone's Vitamin D has been replenished and they may be emotionally prepared to say goodbye to Summer soon. I can feel the season coming to a close when the school supply flyers make an appearance on my doorstep and the days grow shorter.  It's been a short season. I came back to work in May after a brief hiatus. My previous work was visibly undone from the year before. The gardens were lush with weeds and the shrubs were looking pretty shaggy. But, it was a quick fix with the appearance of  an Assistant Gardener.  Natasha has gone back to school now, but she worked by my side up until last week. And of course, Sharon helped out when she wasn't needed in the Turf department. We made short work of weeding, pruning, planting and watering the gardens to bring them back to a presentable state. There was a few more plant enhancements at the number 18 bed, iris's surrounding the pond, and lavender near the gazebo.  But for the most part it was a time of general maintenance and a new application of soil throughout.  I haven't had much of an opportunity to come into the office and dream up new designs this year until now. There are a few exciting ideas running through my head.  I'll post information as soon as I finalize the designs and get the go-ahead. Fall clean up should be starting any day now (depending on what the weather wants to do..!?).  It's almost time to harvest those pumpkins, make a batch of pipping hot apple cider and start putting those plants to bed for the year.