Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Dance of the Black Eyed Susan and the Russian Sage

Could there be a lovelier duo then the mid Summer combination of Black eyed Susan (Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldstrum') and Russian Sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia)? It's the yin and yang of the garden world. The warm sunny daisy face of the the black eyed susan paired with the cool silvery foliage and purple blooms of the Russian Sage.  The upright stems of the black eyed susan look stunning beside the wispy foliage of the Russian Sage. It's warm and cool.  Hard and soft. This full sun plant combination has a long run of cheering it's admirers.  From mid Summer until Fall it outshines it's competition.  Due to my admiration I've planted this combination in the bed at the #18 hole and if I dare say it looked pretty stunning.
These plants are also present at the #9 hole.  The Russian Sage reaches a mature height of 3-5 feet and about a 2 foot spread.  The Black Eyed Susan maxes out at about 30" tall. This versatile plant flourishes in; dry clayey soil and rich moist soil, hot Southern U.S. Summers and Alberta Winters. No wonder it was chosen as the Perennial Plant of the Year in 1999.  The Russian Sage is a member of the mint family. Crush the leaves to release the herbal fragrance. A totally delightful pairing for a prairie perennial garden bed.  Throw an ornamental grass in there and you have yourself a garden party!