Wednesday, December 19, 2012

It's a Winter Wonder-What!?!

I can hardly believe my eyes.  The entire golf course has been blanketed in the white stuff and it's absolutely blizzard conditions out right now.  It's honestly the most perfect consistency for a bruiser of a snowball.   My damp Westcoast heart absolutely warms up at the very sight of snow falling.  This morning has been a pretty euphoric sight around here.  I've asked to use some of Josh's photographs of the golf course if you didn't get a chance to see it with your own eyes.

Dan and Kevin have spent the morning clearing the parking lot and walkways for clubhouse guests.

As you can imagine, the golf course is closed. Although, if you're a sucker for punishment you could ask the Pro Shop if you could play the most annoying game of "Where's my golf ball?".  Another past time that is just about as absurd as golfing in the snow is weeding in the snow. Fortunately, I have projects around the shop to contend with.  I'm currently warming up from my excursion of helping Josh claim his workman vehicle out of a particularly soft area of turf.

I hope you are all enjoying a similar snowscape outside your own windows!  Happy Holidays!

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